New ebook launches today: All About Switzerland

Did you know that I’ve been writing about Switzerland for twenty years? Most of that writing has taken the form of journalism, and today I have something new to share with you – a book of selected articles written for The Local Switzerland between 2022 and 2024.

All About Switzerland officially launches today as an ebook, available on Amazon, Kobo, and other online retailers. With the support of The Local Switzerland, I hope to reach new readers who are interested in gaining insider knowledge about this special country.

Now’s your chance to get up to date on Swiss current affairs and society, with sections on money, the future, women, foreigners, Europe and more. Who are the elite in Switzerland? What are the best cantons for foreigners to live in? Why is Switzerland failing in the fight against money laundering? Find out the answers to these questions and many more in this broad-ranging mix of facts, analysis and personal perspective. 

There are no FAQs about this ebook because it’s brand new! But here, to put you in the picture, are some questions I anticipate.

What’s the book about?

The book contains a selection of 29 news and background articles, opinion pieces and personal essays about Switzerland. The articles were first published online between 2022 and 2024 in The Local Switzerland. I have grouped the articles into themes, and added an introduction and key facts. Some of the articles are fun but most are serious. It’s basically an up-to-date guide to Swiss society and current affairs.

What is The Local?

Founded in 2004, The Local provides news, advice and essential information to readers in nine countries across Europe. As well as in Switzerland, The Local has teams of journalists on the ground in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Austria. Here is a piece I wrote for The Local about how Switzerland has changed over the past 20 years.

Who is All About Switzerland for?

Readers who enjoyed my first book, The Naked Swiss: A Nation Behind 10 Myths, will feel at home with All About Switzerland. It’s for people who want to understand Switzerland better, either because they live here or have a special interest in the country. It’s for people who like their non-fiction to be informed by thorough research and direct experience.

Why are you publishing All About Switzerland?

It seemed to me that this body of writing would add up to something greater than the sum of its parts. I thought it deserved a wider audience and, luckily, The Local agreed. Put together, these articles give a comprehensive picture of modern Switzerland for an English-speaking readership, neatly filling the gap left since the publication of last edition of The Naked Swiss in 2018.

How are you publishing this ebook?

This is a self-publishing venture and experiment in one. The content is fresh and should be published immediately, the kind of turn-around that is not possible with a traditional publisher. I have used the platform IngramSpark, which lists the ebook on the larger retailers’ websites, collecting the sales data and proceeds minus a nice commission. I designed the cover myself, with the help of Canva and Unsplash (thank you, Baptiste for the lovely image of Lucerne). Backed by The Local, I’ll do my best to make the ebook visible. Hopefully, the right people will hear about it and buy it.

Where can I buy All About Switzerland?

The ebook should be easily findable through the main online retailers. The design works on all kinds of ereaders. All About Switzerland costs between 5.00 and 7.99 in the three main currencies: francs, euros, dollars. Buy the ebook online at Amazon France, Amazon Germany, Amazon UK,, Kobo and elsewhere.

Why just an ebook?

Publishing an ebook is quicker and simpler than publishing a regular book. Because this is a one-woman, learning-by-doing operation, I’d like to see how well it all works with the ebook first.

How can I support the launch?

The fact that you’ve read this far is already very encouraging! Buying the book is a fantastic way to support the project. Those early sales really help with visibility and algorithms. Spreading the word is also a big help, whether it’s by sharing social media posts, talking about the book in your circle or posting reviews wherever you are active online. Feel free to use the hashtag: #allaboutswitzerland

Many thanks in advance for your support! And thanks to Ben McPartland of The Local for being a great editor, to Helen Baggot for proofreading, and to Kim Hays for being such a loyal reader of these articles.

Feel free to drop by again with comments on the book. Besten Dank! Merci mille fois!

5 thoughts on “New ebook launches today: All About Switzerland

  1. Your book is out, and I’m so happy for you–and for me, since I just bought ALL ABOUT SWITZERLAND for my Kindle. I found your articles fascinating when I read them in The Local, and now I can’t wait to see them updated and placed in a new context. Congratulations!

  2. Thanks so much for the good wishes, Kim. Amazing to think this project has gone from my laptop to the four corners of the internet!

  3. Uh oh, I can’t seem to order it through my usual kindle account (; it says title currently unavailable!

    1. Oh dear, I’m really sorry about that. It seems to be a bit glitchy. When I go to it says available instantly and I have the option to buy now. But you’re not the first person to report a problem. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks for trying!

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